2016-16-27 (Book)

Everyday Words: A Speller for All Grades by Julia H. Wohlfarth, in collaboration with Orville C. Pratt, and E.B. Wetherow. Cover is a green/blue with dark print text and borders. An opened book encapusulated in a circle is in the center. Cover is severely worn; brown stains, scratches, and fading are all present. Binding is torn on the top and bottom. Edges are extremely worn. Handwritten notes and names are written on the inside pages. Images and letters have been stamped in pink on the first page. Holes are punched out in the bottom right corner and top edge. Notes and doodles are throughout the book. A house is drawn on the back interior cover. Holes are punched in the last page. Book is 208 pages including appendix.