2017.19.12 (Observoscope)

2017.19.12 (Observoscope) image

A plastic observoscope held together by metal screws. The object has the words "Observoscope, Millar Instruments co. INC., Newark, N.J." on one side of it. A sticker on the objects underside reads "Observoscope REG.US.OFF.Star Finder, 1945, I.A. Millar, Newark N.J." The Object sits in a cardboard box with a lable that reads "58070 Observoscope Scient. Instr., Central Scientific Company, Laboratory Supplies Apparatus Chemicals-New York, BOston, Chicago, Toronto, San Francisco". A folded instrunctional book and informational chart sit within the box. Hour, Angle, and date measurments run along the top diameter of the object. 

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