2023-FIC-45G (Scaler and Grader)

There are 7 components (A-G) in item 2023-FIC-45, the Scaler and Grader:

45G) The fifth cardboard page. Lower left hand corner says "5R." Left and right hand sides on the outside have the text "LETTER GRADE SYSTEM XVI" facing outward. The main part of the page is a grid with the numbers 16-60 along the top with a thick black line below them. Letters A-E form vertical columns that get longer when headed to the right side. Three straight lines diverge as they go right across the widening swath of letters. The lower left hand section says "LETTER GRADE SYSTEM XVI" on the top line, "BASED ON MINUS SKEW CURVE" below it, followed by "A = 15%", "B = 32%", "C = 32%", "D = 13%", and "E = 8%". The flip side of the page is labeled "5F" on the lower left hand corner. "LETTER GRADE SYSTEM XIV" is on the left and right hand sides on the outside. The main part of the page is a grid with the numbers 16-60 along the top with a thick black line below them. Letters A-E form vertical columns that get longer as they go to the right side. Three straight lines diverge as they go right across the widening swath of letters. The lower left hand section says has this bolded guide: "LETTER GRADE SYSTEM XIV" on the top line, "BASED ON MINUS SKEW CURVE" next, followed by "A = 8%", "B = 29%", "C = 42%", "D = 15%", and "E = 6%".

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