Chickasaw County

Displaying 151 - 200 of 229
Catalog # Name Description
151 00.30.171M Projectile Point Very knapped gray stone projectile point. Fractured horizontally, but the fractured edge is uneven. The point is broken off so it is flat, not sharp. The edges are serrated and thinned. One face has a small white protrusion in the bottom right area. 00.30.171M (Projectile Point) image
152 00.30.171N Projectile Point Projectile point that is mostly smooth around object. Top point is curved and bottom has two small corner notches that lead to a flat wide straight base. Color of object is beige with some browns and possibly red. Dirt is visible in some lines on stone. 00.30.171N (Projectile Point) image
153 00.30.171O Scraper Stone scraper in a roughly rectangular shape. The thick edge is red unworked stone with brown dirt in the topography of it. The two faces have distinct bands of beige, red, and pink. Each band has red, brown, and gray colored specks in it. The two shorter edges of the rectangle are rough and uneven. The thin edge is slightly concaved which may indicate a shaft straightener. Knap marks are especially dense by the edges. Short grooves/lines band across the center of the stone on the top face. 00.30.171O (Scraper) image
154 00.30.171P Scraper Curved beige stone scraper with a sharp thin edge. The big edge is flat and has beige, brown, and white in color. The outer face is uneven with beige and brown colors. The inner face is smooth and has the same beige and brown but also white patches. The thick top edge has smoother edges. The side edges and the scraper edge are thinned and sharp. There are some chips out of the stone, but no visible knap marks. 00.30.171P (Scraper) image
155 00.30.171Q Core Beige core or a horizontally-fractured projectile point. Both sides are knapped but one is thinner than the other. Edges are thinned and serrated with an obvious point. Fractured at the bottom leaving a smoother edge. The fractured base has gray and beige patterning in it. 00.30.171Q (Core) image
156 00.30.171R Core Pink colored stone core in the shape of a triangle. Both sides are knapped so they have some topography, but the stone is an even thickness overall. The two long edges of the triangle are flat and smoothed even though they were knapped. The third edge is rounded across and shows knap marks. The stone is pink colored with some portions of beige, and with gray specks across it. The main point is sharp. The two other points are more rounded and are not sharp. 00.30.171R (Core) image
157 00.30.171S Flake Shiny red and black mottled small rectangular stone. The top, bottom, and left edges are smooth but slightly uneven. The right edge is thinner but still is not sharp. 00.30.171S (Flake) image
158 00.30.171T Flake Oval-shaped thin stone flake. One edge is peach and beige. The majority of the stone is brown, red, and gray, plus gray specks. The bottom face is smooth. The top face is more uneven but is mostly flat with some knap marks. 00.30.171T (Flake) image
159 00.30.171U Flake Very jagged and angled stone in a roughly round shape. Stone is lighter in weight than it appears to be. Large portions of the stone are gray. Various parts of the stone are beige with knap marks on all the surfaces except those smooth from being fractured. The edges are thin and sharp and the points are sharp. 00.30.171U (Flake) image
160 00.30.171V Scraper Shades of reddish brown are visible on this thick, jagged, triangular stone. The bottom face has brown, black, blue, and red portions of stone with two main depressions in it that appear to have been caused by knapping. The top face is raised making it a triangular prism. The left portion is brown bumpy stone with only a small corner being smooth. The right portion is reddish brown and beige with many knapped portions. The front portion has the same reddish brown and beige colors but with a circular depression at the bottom. This depression is roughly the size of a thumb. The two smaller depressions on the bottom face fit with the position of the index and middle fingers. The scraping edge is thin, sharp, and slightly uneven. 00.30.171V (Scraper) image
161 00.30.171W Flake Thin red stone flake. The bottom face is varying shades of red. Knapping is evident with gray in the valleys of the topography. The top face is largely brown and beige unworked bumpy stone. The edges of the top face around the unworked stone is the same red color as the bottom face. Only the red portion has knap marks although the unworked stone is slightly uneven. The closest edge is smooth and flat and shows both the unworked stone color on top and the red color beneath it. The left edge is knapped and sharper. The top edge has been fractured so it is partially smooth but is still uneven. The right edge was knapped too. 00.30.171W (Flake) image
162 00.30.171X Scraper Rounded thin stone scraper. The top face is beige with gray veins in it and brown marks on it. The bottom face is brown and gray with beige circles of color as well. A band of gray stone across the top is sparkly. One edge is unworked beige and gray stone. Another edge was fractured and is smooth. The scraping edge is serrated and sharp. 00.30.171X (Scraper) image
163 00.30.171Y Flake Thin white flake with gray specks on both sides. One edge is thinner than the others and is sharper as well. The top face has a tiny depression in it that has shiny brown stone in it. The points are sharp. 00.30.171Y (Flake) image
164 00.30.171Z Flake Flake which shows the layers in the rock, different gray colors. Yellow and orange portions of the rock are also present. Large knapping marks. 00.30.171Z (Flake) image
165 00.30.173A Projectile Point Broken projectile point made of white stone. It is broken down the right side, leaving behind one thick long edge. On the intact side, one shoulder is prominent. Stem is small. Sides are smooth. The top is rounded, not pointed but sharp. Front face has a knap mark near the middle, is gray at the stem but fades to mostly beige at the top. Back face also has gray at the stem but fades to beige for the rest of it. Has scratch marks on that face. 00.30.173A (Projectile Point) image
166 00.30.173B Chip Triangle shaped rock with serrated edges. The bottom is smooth. The top is rounded, not very sharp. One side is a beige and gray marbled color. Some areas on the face of the rock show layers. The other side of the rock is darker beige and shows more layers, has knap layers. 00.30.173B (Chip) image
167 00.30.173C Flake Small white and gray speckled stone, very thin. Irregular shape. One face is smooth and slowly angles down to the edges. The other face has several planes in the stone from being knapped. One edge on that face is serrated but the rest just angle slowly. Edges are sharp and thin. 00.30.173C (Flake) image
168 00.30.173D Chip Beige stone in the rough shape of a triangle. One edge of the triangle curves in, the other curves out, forming an angled point. The point is sharp. The base of the triangle shape is composed of several small edges that make a general straight edge. Top face has knap marks mostly on the left side and top. The right edge is very flat and smooth but the bottom and left edges are more uneven and serrated. Some small scratch marks on the left side of the top face, and one dark brown spot in the center. The back face is a slightly lighter shade of beige. The largest surface of the stone is smooth and curves upward toward the point of the stone. The other surfaces are more uneven and show signs of knapping. 00.30.173D (Chip) image
169 00.30.173E Chip Orange stone with several sections of white stone. Gray marks on both sides as well. Irregular shape, with left and right edges being sharp and the top and bottom edges being thin but flat. Edges are uneven. Top face is thickest in the middle towards the top where it comes to a point. Minimal scratch marks and knapping marks. Back face is smooth and only has minor knap marks on the bottom edge. 00.30.173E (Chip) image
170 00.30.173F Core Brown stone core. Roughly an oval shape with a high point running vertically down the center. The right side has the layers of rock removed by knapping to reveal beige color on the right side and passing around to the bottom face. The left side of the top face is rugged brown with black specks. The right side of the high point on the front face shows the rock layers. The edges are sharp, thin, and jagged. The top and bottom points of the oval are sharp. The bottom is smooth and shows the rock layers on the right edge. 00.30.173F (Core) image
171 00.30.173G Core Core rock chip. Back side is smooth, beige and brown in color. Front side is more uneven and is beige, brown, and white. Top right and lower left edges are thin and sharp. Top, top left, and lower right edges are flattened, the top one appears to have been a point that fractured off. 00.30.173G (Core) image
172 00.30.173H Core Beige and gray stone full crystalized. Roughly an oval shape. The rounded edges are thin, sharp, and slightly serrated. Only one part is flat. Some small rust spots on the top face. Knap marks on the top face are especially apparent. Could also be a scraper. 00.30.173H (Core) image
173 00.30.173I Core Crystalized core of stone. Entire stone is crystalized. Crystals are clear on the gray and brown stone. The stone is roughly triangle shaped but the corners are slightly rounded. The point of the stone is moderately sharp. It is an uneven thickness, being thicker in the bottom half than the upper left side. Left and bottom edges are serrated and thin. Right edge is thicker and is planed instead of thin. The bottom face is mostly flat and the crystals are less shiny on this side. 00.30.173I (Core) image
174 00.30.173J Chip Thin dark red stone in a square shape with with one sharp point protruding from the top. The upper half of the stone on the front face is dark red, and the lower half is lighter red with brown at the bottom. Knap marks on each side. Top, left, and bottom edges are thin and sharp. Right edge is flat and brown in color. The back face is red in color. 00.30.173J (Chip) image
175 00.30.173K Chip Rock chip that appears to have been being made into a projectile point. Triangular in shape with all three points being very sharp. The middle of the bottom side looks partially-knapped and has a sharp point in the center of that flat edge. Stone is beige and light gray in color. Knap marks on the bottom edge and the left side. Tiny brown lumps in the rock on the left bottom corner of the stone. The top point of the rock is a lighter beige than the main portion of the stone. The back face is smooth with knap marks on all edges. Small speckles of black rock on both sides. 00.30.173K (Chip) image
176 00.30.173L Flake Thin white stone flake. Very smooth on front and back faces. Back face has knap marks. Each edge is thin and sharp. Longest edge is a split edge, with both parts being sharp and thin still. Is approximately a half-circle shape. Subtle beige patterning to the chip on both faces. 00.30.173L (Flake) image
177 00.30.173M Chip Jagged dark gray stone. Top and bottom faces, the unworked sides, are dark gray/black with darker veins in the rock in brown and gray. The sides that had been knapped are lighter gray but still have darker gray/black veins in the rock. Semi-rhombus shape with each edge being sharp. Knap marks on the sides. The top and bottom have lesser knap marks. 00.30.173M (Chip) image
178 00.30.173N Core Multicolored stone core. Roughly rectangular in shape with the top, right, and left edges being generally flat and smooth and the bottom edge more irregular. Left and right edges are orange. Top edge, front face, and back face are an orange-hued beige with small black specks. Evidence of thick fractured pieces on the front. Knap marks on the top left corner of the front and the lower right corner on the back face. The back face on the left side has a patch of dark orange and gray in the stone. 00.30.173N (Core) image
179 00.30.173O Lithic Flint rock with thick smooth uneven edges. One side of rock has fractures and barely visible cracks. Mostly dark gray, with light gray patches on the fractures. There is a patch of white with dark brown specks, and a patch of toffee-colored rock. The sides of the flint are layered with gray and white, with one side being layered with gray and brown. The other side of the rock has what looks to be a large chipped or weathered spot, revealing a rough patch of unworked rock with brown specks. Surrounding the unworked rock is marbled tan and brown stone. 00.30.173O (Lithic) image
180 00.30.173P Core Layered, multicolored, gray-veined core of brown stone. Irregular shape with sharp edges. Faces are either smooth or terraced with evidence of knap marks. Most of the stone is a caramel-colored brown, with gray veins and a beige background color. 00.30.173P (Core) image
181 00.30.173Q Core Small stone core. One half is brown with a small white point, and the other side is marbled beige, gray, and white. The shape is roughly square shaped with the bottom and top being flat. Sides are uneven and knap marks are on the sides and bottom. 00.30.173Q (Core) image
182 00.30.175 Club Oblong club with 1cm groove around the middle circumfrance 00.30.175 (Club) image
183 00.30.176 Hammerstone Hammer stone. 00.30.176 (Hammerstone) image
184 00.30.180 Hoe Large gray stone with many work marks, one side is mostly flat with many light colored tool marks. One thick edge with the rest of it having a normal edge.  00.30.180 (Hoe) image
185 00.30.69 Scraper White stone scrapper. 00.30.69 (Scraper) image
186 00.30.79 Biface Turtle back or rough scraper made of stone. The stone has a blend of brown, white, and black stone. The bottom of the lithic has a small crack that divides the piece in half. One half has a higher concentration of white stone, with a bit of brown stone blended with it. The other side of the crack has primarily dark brown stone, with very little dirt crevasses or fractures. This half also features a strong ride that goes from the edge to the middle of the piece. The top of the lithic is a lot more worn compared to the bottom, and it appears the colors of the rock are more layered. The edges of the piece are more of a grey-light brown stone while the middle is a strip of dark brown stone. There are many dirt patches on this side, but also a few patches of white stone. Edges are thick and wavy. 00.30.79 (Biface) image
187 00.30.80 Biface Turtle back or rough scraper. 00.30.80 (Biface) image
188 00.30.89 Celt A Grey, Black, White, and Red stone Celt, pear-shaped flat on one-side, ridged on the other 00.30.89 (Celt) image
189 00.30.98A Chip Gray-blue stone core in the rough shape of a projectile point, but with the sides roughly shaped and no point. The bottom face is smooth. The edges resemble a bottle cap from the bottom view. The top face is rugged with the mountain peaks being a beige color. The rough topography appears to have been caused by knapping. 00.30.98A (Chip) image
190 00.30.98AA Core Layered stone with brown, gray, white colors and some crystal portion. Mostly flat on both sides but some bumps. Point is fractured and other end is rounded.  00.30.98AA (Core) image
191 00.30.98AB Flake Brown and red flake with many bumps and ridges on both sides. Edges are thinned except for one fractured one.  A small point is opposite of that.  00.30.98AB (Flake) image
192 00.30.98AC Flake White and gray flake. Smooth on one side, ridged and bumpy on other. Edges are thin. Object is dirty on bumpy side.  00.30.98AC (Flake) image
193 00.30.98AD Flake Beige and gray heart-shaped thin flake. The bottom face is smooth. The top face has smoothed out knap marks. One half of the stone is thicker, the other is thinner. The edges are thin but not sharp. 00.30.98AD (Flake) image
194 00.30.98AE Flake Large thin flake, shaped like an acorn. Many colors visible like gray, brown, orange. Vertical lines are present in the layers. Top and bottom both have points, edges are smoothed except for one.  00.30.98AE (Flake) image
195 00.30.98AF Flake Red flake in a rough triangular shape. The bottom face is smooth and a lighter red. The top has a ridge down the middle. Left of the ridge is darker red with some gray marks in the stone. The right half of the top face is lighter red with some gray in it. Deep knap marks are especially in the lower half of the stone. The edges and the top of the ridge are thin and smooth. 00.30.98AF (Flake) image
196 00.30.98AG Core Marbled white, gray, and brown core with different colored layers visible. It is roughly a teardrop shape. The bottom face is smooth and some patterning in the stone is visible. The top face has a ridge down the middle but it is not overly sharp or thin. At the right edge is a small strip of brown, black, and red unworked stone. 00.30.98AG (Core) image
197 00.30.98AH Core White crystal rock core. The bottom face is mostly smooth. The opposite side is raised with one ridge down the middle. The edges and the ridge are thin and mildly serrated. The uneven surface has brown dirt in the crevices. 00.30.98AH (Core) image
198 00.30.98AI Flake Gray/blue crystalized stone flake in the shape of a rhombus. Three edges are thin, one is fractured so it's flatter and thick. Brown is on that flat edge. Parts of the stone are crystallized gray/blue, other parts are crystallized white. Streaks in the stone's uneven surface, with uneven topography, but all surfaces are shiny. 00.30.98AI (Flake) image
199 00.30.98AJ Flake Bottom portion of a rounded core. Object is knapped all over except on the fractured curved edge. Shades of red and brown make up the layers.  00.30.98AJ (Flake) image
200 00.30.98AK Flake Teardrop shaped red, orange, brown flake. Has a point at one edge and several other smaller sharp points. The edges are thin. The object itself is smooth on the bottom and top except on the edges with knap marks. An original portion of rock is visible at the "mountain peak" in the center of the stone. The colored layers under it are red, brown, and gray in color. 00.30.98AK (Flake) image