
Displaying 51 - 51 of 51
Catalog # Name Description
51 UNIM1993.18.0006 Pattern Three dress patterns and one man's shirt, vest & pants pattern. a. Vogue #7752, "Very Easy, Very Vogue". Misses 1-piece dress or tunic and pants. $1.50, size 12, bust 34, hip 36. b. Simplicity 8344. Misses jumper and mini-pant jumper. Misses size 12, bust 34. new sizing. c. Simplicity 9112 "Young Contemporary Fashion" Misses skirt in 2 lengths, blouse, scarf and sash. Size 12, bust 34, waist 25 1/2". d. Simplicity 5048, men's shirt, vest & pants. Size 34, chest 34", waist 28".