
Displaying 101 - 150 of 614
Catalog # Name Description
101 1987.25.4 Bag Most recent style in sequence of the styles of storage bags, used by the Mesquakies.
102 1988.21.12 Belt Woven. Fringed ends, woven geometric designs with black line on outside and two orange lines beside black lines. Color: WH,BK,OR
103 1988.21.13 Belt Woven. Yellow with fringed ends and orange geometric designs in center with 2 orange lines on each side. Color: YL,OR
104 1988.21.17 Hanging Four panels pieced together. Fringed top and bottom. Panels have stylized bird and animal design. Color: BR,WH,BK
105 1988.21.29 Doily Square with multi-colored animals around outside with face in black, red, yellow, purple, brown, and blue embroidered in center. Color: ML
106 1988.21.30 Shawl Fringed ends, woven horizontal panels separated by open thread panel. Color: YL
107 1988.21.31 Blouse Hupil - long panel folded croswise and sewn up the side with red embroidery, leaving arm holes at top. Neck hole in top center, embroidered around neck and below neck on front and back. Two vertical lines embroidered front and back, horizontal rows of embroidered red flower-like designs front and back. Color: TN,RD,PR
108 1988.21.6 Dress Handloomed with six vertical panels sewn together with white thread, middle panels curved to form neck hole. Side panels sewn from bottom to 7" from top and left open to form arms holes that are decorated with white borders. Side panels have 3 alternating horizontal lines and 3 rows of flower designs.. Center panel has floral and horizontal motif as well as triangle designs. Color: BR,WH
109 1989.43.659 Collar Box Lavender on the inside and brown leather on the outside. Clasp in front, and a handle on the top. Top metal piece opens up to a little compartment used to store shirt studs (3 included).
110 1990.44.10 Handkerchief White handkerchief made from very sheer fabric. 1/8" border and a "G" embroidered in the corner in peach. Color: WH
111 1990.44.11 Handkerchief White handkerchief with a 3/8' border and an inside line sewn in red on each side. The red intersects at each corner. In one corner is a blue, yellow, green, black, pink and red embroidered design of flowers and blue dots. Color: WH,ML
112 1990.58.55 Handkerchief Pink handkerchief with white intricate lace border. Color: PK
113 1990.58.61 Handkerchief Handmade cream silk handkerchief. Floral patterns of rose, pink, peach and lavender flowers with white/grey stems on border. Rounded corners.
114 1991.11.107 Glove Single glove. Yellow knit cotton yarn with three knit flowers at wrist (one purple, one blue, one hot pink) with three green leaves on each end. Cuff has scalloped edge. 
115 1991.11.66 Glove a-b. Pair of white rayon wrist-length gloves. "V" shaped hem with edges overturned and stitched to create the appearance of a braided trim. Three embroidered circles run vertically down the backside of wrist directly underneath the point of the hem.
116 1991.11.67 Glove a-b. Pair of white cotton wrist-length gloves. Plain aside from a ribbon applique (made from the same fabric) at wrist. Ribbon is in the shape of a bow; the loop part is a figure-eight shaped piece of fabric stitched on while the ends are triangular cutouts.
117 1991.11.68 Glove a-b. Pair of white cotton wrist-length gloves. Scalloped cuffs. Five circle-shaped eyelets arranged in a half-circle at wrist area with a zigzag seam for gathering.
118 1991.11.70 Glove a-b. Pair of beige rayon above-the-wrist gloves. Gathers on both sides of wrist to create ruffles.
119 1991.11.71 Glove a-b. Pair of wrist-length tan gloves. Fold-over hem creates a bow-like decoration.
120 1991.11.73 Glove a-b. Pair of black gloves. Small gathers at wrists (glove a has them on both sides, while b only has them on one). Zig-zag stitching in black thread at cuffs.
121 1991.11.74 Glove Pair of black gloves (A and B). Cuffs dip inward to create a "V" shape. Small flowers are embroidered in black thread on the wrist areas.
122 1991.11.77 Glove a-b. Pair of black just-below-the-elbow length gloves with scalloped hems. Four small flowers are embroidered in black on the forearms.
123 1992.22.16 Ruche Green-blue ribbon at top and off white satin ribbon on bottom, 'wire' thread lace, small brass beads sewn on fine net stretched over collar stay framework. 8 satin ribbon drops, varied lengths form V, attached to center front.
124 1992.22.22 Handkerchief White linen handkerchief with multicolored (yellow, pink, green, blue, and purple) tatting attached to edges. Tatting on one side has faded, making it appear pastel. Color: WH,ML
125 1992.22.52 Jacket Woman's beaded jacket. Black silk with white/black/multi-color striped lining. Six hook & eye center front closure accented with bow at pleated waist belt. Roll collar, leg o' mutton sleeves. Ruffle accent on collar, closure, cuff, hem. Decorated with black beads in floral pattern overall. Front cut to allow room for flounce underneath. Color: BK,WH,ML
126 1992.33.3.16 Towel Color: RD
127 1992.35.2.1 Overalls Vest back, faded blue denim with 2 front side pockets, 2 back pockets, & 1 black pocket on the side. There are two snaps on each side of the overall and two buttons on front center. There is green stitching around buttons. A tag says to wash separately. Label on bib reads, "OshKosh / B'Gosh / Union Made Sanforized." Text is yellow on a dark blue background. Color: BL
128 1992.35.2.2 Overalls Vestback. 2 buttons on the front center pocket. 2 front side pockets, 2 back pockets, & 1 back pocket on the side. There are two snaps on each side of the overall. There is green stitching around the buttons & a tag that says to wash separately. Buttons are gold with green accents and have a four-leaf clover design with "OshKosh B'Gosh" stamped within the leaves. Triangular-shaped label on bib reads, "OshKosh / B'Gosh / VESTBAK / UNION MADE." Text is green and red on a white background. Color: BL
129 1992.35.2.3 Overalls Square back. Blue and white pinstripe with red stitching. 3 button fly; part of a zipper is sewn down on the upper part of the bottom half. An extra layer of fabric is sewn on the front part of the legs for extra support. There are pockets on the front, center and 2 on the sides. Back has 2 large pockets & 2 side pockets and hammer holders on the sides and one above the right pocket on the back. Metal buttons; "PAY DAY" is stamped in the center. Color: BL,WH
130 1993.21.11 Textile Embroidery on woven ground fabric. Silk fabrics and embroidery thread. Flower, butterfly within rectangles; subdued tones. Color: BR,TN,GR,BL
131 1993.22.1 Dress Flowers embroidered randomly throughout with multicolored circles. Blue silk with red front placket. Plant shapes embroidered on the front and below the placket in gold metallic thread. Gold thread borders the sleeves and the bottom of the dress in an intricate pattern. Gold thread with rick rack runs vertically on long sleeves and body. Sleeves are open from arm's eye to cuff where donor has removed orignal closure and sewn in bands of black, so she could wear it. Thread: metallic gold, pink, fuchsia, green-blue, light green. Color: ML
132 1993.22.2 Pants Red satin with gold metallic thread; embroidery from knee down. Gold metallic thread. Color: RD,GD
133 1993.22.3 Veil Veil of pink gauze like fabric with gold embroidery in paisley designs randomly throughout. Gold metallic thread and rick rack border the edge. Color: PK
134 1993.22.4 Mask Mask, eye and nose. Two cords are attached; one on either side; heavy indigo dye creates metallic sheen over very dark coloration. Brown with burgundy thread bordering the mask. Color: BR,PR
135 1993.22.5 Bonnet To be worn on the back of the head; many colors of rick rack border the satin ground fabric. Sequins spaced along rick rack. Yellow and red fabric with yellow, purple, gold, green black rick rack with gold thread. Color: ML
136 1993.25.2.1 Jacket Patterned weave, gold embossed floral design around circumference of breast & back panels. Multi-colored swath where back panels and sleeve panels in left lapel panels attach to breast & pack panels. Red with gold floral design swath on color and lapels. White color border with cardboard backing. Medial to distal end of sleeve series of pink, yellow, blue, green & red swaths with gold embossed floral patterns. Distal swath is largest with sylized Korean glyphs. Lower border of sleeves & breast front are mild lunate curves. Red, gold embossed with Korean glyphs. Belt sashes attached to each breast. Completely lined with white netting. Color: ML
137 1993.25.2.2 Dress Wrap around, patterned weave. 6 panels. Medial to distal hem the same series of swatches & patterns are found as on sleeves of jacket. 2 shoulder straps. 2 belt sashes above bustline in rear. Completely lined with pink netting.
138 1993.25.2.3 Tassel Cotton & synthetic; tassel, ornamental; loop at one end below loop series of macrame. 5 knot patterns separated by embroidery bell-like ornaments. Top ornament red with 14 petaled white flower motif. 2nd ornament green with leaves (?) motif. 3rd ornament is yellow with 12 petaled (red) flower or sun motif. 4th ornament maroon with multicolored (white, orange, pink & blue) bird motif. Ornaments have same pattern embroidered on both sides, with tassel cord running down through their centers. The third & fifth (from the top) knot patters are identical. The other three are identical to each other. Beneath finial knot are two tassels, each with an identical pattern binding their respective dorsal ends. White & red thread is used. Through the center of white, the blue tassel material is interwoven to make geometric patterns.
139 1993.25.2.4 Slip Cotton & synthetic; 2 shoulder straps, bottom hem with white cotton lace, in floral design.
140 1993.25.6.2 Dress Woven patterned fabric with circular Korean glyph designs. Bottom hem ends below breast. Collar has green fabric with gold embossed floral designs. Same floral designs outline breast and back panels along hem and sleeve seams. Green lining at lapel and sleeve hems. 2 belt sections attached both green with Korean national symbol design in embossed in gold throughout their lengths. Same fabric attached to cuff end of sleeves. On each shoulder is embroidered floral design (red, yellow, pink/white and gold) on green background with gold geometric pattern encircling. This is then encircled by another Korean glyph gold embossed onto the white fabric. Lined completely with white netting. Wrap around with woven patterned fabric with Korean glyphs and circular designs with Korean glyphs interworen. Two shoulder straps. 5 large circular embroidered floral patterns (yellow, red, pink/white with gold geometric pattern along border on green backgrond at shin height. Gold embossed Korean blyphs on white fabric encircle these. 6 green triangular sections along hem, each with similar gold embossed designs. Central and largest design has butterflies and flowers around a central floral design, all encircled by geometric design. 2 smaller floral patterns flank lower portion of main design. Gold embossed floral pattern on green border, seam between green and white fabric. Hem is bordered by linen and horizontal gold embossed geometric design with linear horizontal floral design above it. Completely lined with white netting. Color: WH,GR,GD,ML
141 1993.25.7 Flag Korean flag on blue banner with "Korea" below it on Korean letters above it; surrounded by a white gemetric trim. Banner is a polyhedron with bottom fringed edge tapering to a point. Banner is hung on wooden dowel with expanded ends and white nylon cord and tassels attached at each end. Color: BL,WH,RD,BK
142 1993.37.13 Scarf Man's headdress. White rectangular cotton scarf bordered on the shorter side by a large black band with two small stripes on either side of the band. On the longer side, the black band is bordered by only one stripe on either side. Also on these sides are small fringes. The black band is darker on the longer side. "Syria" is written in permanent marker along one of the longer sides. Color: WH,BK
143 1993.37.14 Headband Headband, or "Agal". 5 segments, each 3" long, of four tightly wrapped cords; three of the 5 segments incorporate four wrapped cords. 2 of the 5, 3" segments have 2 wrapped cords. Between each two segments of wrapped cords is looser, light blue embrodery thread. Color: BL
144 1993.37.15 Blouse For everyday wear. Light blue with three segments of white embroidered flowers around the collar, one on each side, and one in the center of the back. The flowers are also on the ends of the sleeves, and at the center top of the shirt. In the same area, the fabric is a mesh design; small holes surround the flower designs. Down the center of the fabric is a false line of buttons next to the real buttons. "Philippines" is written along the bottm hem behind the buttonhole panel on the shirt. It is written in blue marker. Color: BL,WH
145 1993.37.16 Turban Turban. Thin black knit scarf made of a silk-like material. The designs alternate from a zigzag to a series of diamonds. Color: BK
146 1993.37.23 Chador Woman's garment, or chador. For wear outside the home during winter. Cotton-like fabric. Full semi-circle, thin almost transparent weave. The design has a black background, with green and pink blowers and blue stems. Small white flowers surround the larger pink and green ones. Narrow hem. Color: BK,GR,PK,BL
147 1993.37.24 Chador Woman's garment, or chador. Cotton-like fabric. Full semi-circle, thin almost transparent weave silky material. It is decorated with small blue flowers with grey leaves and small circles with dotted rays coming from them. "Shiraz, Iran" is written in black permanent marker on a blue iron-on patch near the hem. Color: BL,GY
148 1993.37.25 Bag Man's bag, Designs run vertically on the bag. Three narrow yellow dotted lines border a line of yellow diamonds, then three more then dotted yellow lines. A series of peach zigzags follow, then small white symbols that look like the division sign turned sideways. The yellow pattern is repeated & the zigzags and division signs are repeated. The zigzags alternate peach & white color; diamonds alternate green and yellow color. The shoulder strap doesn't stop at the body of the bag, but continues to the bottom of the body of the bag and has fringes that extend further than the body. Color: GR,YL,OR
149 1993.37.37 Shawl Tight black cotton weave; square, plus fringe. The first inch consists of a very loose weave of all the fingers, the last 6" are black tassels. "Colombia" is written in black permanent ink on yellow fabric & appears to have been glued on. Color: BK
150 1993.37.38 Bag Shopping bag. Machine made. Light green, reinforced at top and sides & on straps with strips of leather. Straps are attached with leather & tacks. The tacks are now rusting. The bag is bordered on one side with white and blue vine with blue flowers and leaves. The border on the other side is a green and pink vine; one side (left) is pink; the right side of the vine is green. The flowers and leaves are also green. In the center is the ancient Persian symbol, or paisley. Within a single paisley shape, 4 paisleys are outline. In the very center is a yellow flower with green & orange leaves above and below it. The smallest paisley is dark green, next one is white. A light green zig-zag borders the white paisley, then a pin, paisley then orange zig-zag and then black zig-zag. Two pink flowers are at the bottom on either side of the paisley. At the bottom is a black jagged border around a grey flower, 2 light green flowers & dark green leaves. "Iran" is written in black permanent ink on yellow fabric that appears to have been glued onto the top inside the bag. Color: BL,WH,GR