1998.5.31 (Booklet)

1998.5.31 (Booklet) image

"Souvenir Folder of State College of Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 14 views in natural color" printed in red and then black lettering with a yellow background on the front cover. In the lower right hand corner of the front cover is a picture of the Commons. Also on the front cover in the upper right hand corner is a square that says "Place Stamp Here." Below that on the cover are three lines where an address is to be written. On the back cover is a picture of the Arts and Industries Building at the State College. Part of the shot is also a flap which closes inside the bottom of the picture. When opened the booklet opens to reveal twelve more views of the campus. Included on the inside are the Campanile, Auditorium Building, "Old" Administration Bujilding, Library, Baker Hall, Music Hall, Regents Hall Conplex, Men's Gymnasium, Bartlett Hall, Women's Gym, Campbell Hall, and Lawther Hall. Color: YL,BL,BR,GR