
Displaying 1 - 50 of 173
Catalog # Name Description
1 1970.17.22 Booklet "What Is Music?". Magazine called "The Humboldt Library of Science". Dated Nov. 15, 1890. Softback, brown covers, bound by two staples. Color: BR,BK,WH 1970.17.22 (Booklet) image
2 1970.17.23 Booklet "Instruction in Art in the United States'', by Walter Sargeant, 1918. Softback, white covers. Explains how art subjects should be taught at different grade points in rural schools. Color: BK,WH 1970.17.23 (Booklet) image
3 1970.17.26 Booklet "Expressions on Education," Bulletin No. 28, whole number 538. Dated April 1913. By the United States Bureau of Education. Grey covers, bound with two staples. Includes separate letter (item 1970.17.17) from the Department of the Interior Bureau of Education in Washington, dated June 1913. Color: BK,WH 1970.17.26 (Booklet) image
4 1970.17.27 Letter From the Department of the Interior Bureau of Education, Washington, dated June 1913. It explains that the booklet covers various statesmen's (president's) thoughts on education. With booklet titled "Expressions on Education" (item 1970.17.26). Color: GY,BK,WH
5 1971.11.50 Decal Decal for the Member United Teaching Profession, from the National Education Association (NEA) in Washington D.C., 1962-1963. Color: BK,WH,RD 1971.11.50 (Decal) image
6 1975.4.119 Chart Multiplication table, "used as supplementary work in arithmetic class. From 2x2=4 to 25x25=625." The table is a pyramid that lists a number in bold, all digits below it (except 1), and the outcome if they were to be multiplied together. For example, the first line has a 2 with a smaller 2 over a 4 beside it, indicating that 2x2 = 4. The second line is a 3 followed by a 2 over a 6 and a 3 over a nine, showing 3x2=6 and 3x3=9. And so on through 25x25. The bottom of the card reads, "These cards will be furnished for 1c apiece without printing on reverse side. Educator Pub. Co., Marion, Iowa. 1975.4.119 (Chart) image
7 1975.4.37 Booklet "The Beacon Phonetic Chart", by James H. Fassett. 19 double-page charts. Covers are grey with a bow detail. Published by Ginn and Company - Boston, New York, Chicago, London. Stamped in the cover in purple ink is a note from the publisher explaining that the prices listed in the book are outdated and are overridden by the new pricelist that went into effect August 1, 1918.
8 1975.4.38 Booklet "The Beacon Reading Chart", by James H. Fassett. Published by Ginn and Company - Boston, New York, Chicago, London. 21 double-page charts. Covers are light green with bow design.
9 1975.4.41 Booklet "Plain Talks on Teaching or, pedagogy for our rural schools", by Prof. J. M. Richardson. Contains guidelines for teachers to follow, information on recitation, how to keep control in the classroom, and information about corrective measures. 35 pp. White covers, bound with two staples. Color: black and cream 1975.4.41 (Booklet) image
10 1975.4.43 Booklet "Songs of American Patriotism: -1776 - Let There Be Patriotic Music in Every American Home - 1918 -". Contents include music and lyrics for 8 songs: America (pg. 1 - front "cover", by Samuel Francis Smith and Henry Carey), Battle Hymn of the Republic (pg. 5, by Julia Ward Howe and W. Steffe), Columbia, the gem of the Ocean (pg. 3, no credit given), Just before the Battle, Mother (pg. 6, by Geo. F. Root), Marching Thro' Georgei (pg. 2, by Henry C. Work), Marseillaise (pg. 7, by Rouget de Lisle), Maryland, My Maryland (pg. 8, by James R. Randall), and Star Spangled Banner (pg. 4, by Francis Scott Key and John Stafford Smith). Published by M. Schulz Co. 711 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Established 1869. From the Aletha Jacobs Hutchison collection.
11 1975.4.46 Booklet "Poetic Gems. Gleaned from World's Best Poetry". Depicts a quill in an inkwell. "Published by the Ohio Printing Company" 8 pp. From the Aletha Jacobs Hutchison collection. Color: Black and cream 1975.4.46 (Booklet) image
12 1975.4.61.2 Examination "Test in Measurements." Twenty-four questions are typed out on the first page (a.) with questions 25 through 42 on the second page (b.) The directions on the first page tell the student to cross out all words that are wrong. However, on this examination, the correct answers are underlined. Many questions are not answered. Two pages. Likely used by Aletha Jacobs Hutchison as a teacher. Color: WH,BK
13 1975.4.92 Pamphlet "Washington Day Bulletin For use in The Public Schools February 22nd, 1916. Beloved as "Father of Our County" By all Patriotic Americans." Issued by Office of County Superintendent. The pamphlet features several articles including "Maxims of George Washington", "Quotations from Addresses of Washington", "Lincoln on Washington", "Franklin's Famous Toast", "Washington", "The 22nd of February", "To a Picture of Washington", "Washington's Farewell Address", and "The Earliest Celebrations of Washington's Birthday." The front cover has a thin black border and a photo of George Washington. All text is in black.
14 1975.4.93 Pamphlet Pamphlet reads: "Lincoln Day Bulletin. For use in Public Schools. Friday, February 11th, 1916. "In all God's great gallery, he's Natures Masterpiece!" Anniversary of Birthday, Sunday, February 12th, 1916." Issued by office of County Superintendent. Front cover features a black and white photo of Abraham Lincoln. The pamphlet has several articles including: "A Story of Lincoln and the War: His beautiful Character", "The Little Queen: Blossom and Big Brother Ben (to be read by the teacher to the school)", "Lincoln the Hero of Aspiration" by Marshall Dixon, a poem titled "Abraham Lincoln" by James Russell Lowell, "Lincoln and His Cabinet", "His Gettysburg Address", "Secretary Stanton's Opinion of Lincoln at the End", and "Sayings of Mr. Lincoln."
15 1979.63.5 Booklet "Science Guide for Elementary Schools: Earth Tremors". Vol. VI, No. 2, November 1940, by Carlos S. Mundt, California State Department of Education, Sacramento. Softback, dark green covers, bound by two staples. 29 pages, illustrated with black & white photos. Color: GR,BK,WH 1979.63.5 (Booklet) image
16 1984.6.25 Booklet "Easy Lessons in Drawing and Painting" by J. F. Ingalls. Copyright 1889. Softback, brown covers, bound by two staples. Color: BR,TN 1984.6.25 (Booklet) image
17 1986.4.423 Plan, lesson "Lesson Plan for Class in Physics," prepared by Mr. B. M. Light. The lesson topic is on inclined planes. Written with a typewriter.
18 1988.33.41 Textbook "Civics: Warp's Review Workbooks". Published in 1939. "Anna Flom" written on front cover in pencil. Softback, blue cover, bound with three staples. Color: Dark blue, light blue, white, black 1988.33.41 (Textbook) image
19 1994.32.79 Chart "Our Presidents and Geographical Chart of the United States." Circular. Three layers of cardboard, fastened in the center. Both top and bottom have openings as well as indentations around the circumference. By turning the inner disk, information about each President from Washington to Hoover is revealed. Data include age, date born, political party, residence, when inaugurated, important events, when died, ordinal number of presidency and a pen & ink likeness. Other side shows a 48-star flag and a map of the 48 states. Data revealed are square miles, population, highest elevation, principal river, state capitol population, date joined the union, principal city population and rank in population. Copyright 1931.
20 1996.22.20 Book "Teacher's Highlights Holiday Handbook, No. 1." More than 2/3 blue color on the front cover. Back cover is blue. The front cover has all the various holidays listed down the right side of the cover: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and Mother's Day. The contents give suggestions for those holidays and all year round. 186 creative suggestions in the book. Cost was one dollar. 61 pages. Color: BL,WH,BK 1996.22.20 (Book) image
21 1996.22.21 Book "Teacher's Highlights Holiday Handbook, No. 3." More than 2/3 yellow color on the front cover. Back cover is yellow. The front cover has all the various holidays listed down the right side of the cover: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and Mother's Day. The contents giver "182 creative suggestions" for those holidays and all year round. The book cost $1. 61 pages. Color: YL,WH,BK 1996.22.21 (Book) image
22 1996.22.23 Book "Out of the World Fun and Activity Book". Contains several dozen space-themed crafts and activities intended for children 8-12 years old. Has a picture of a girl and boy riding a rocket into a light blue outer space. They both are wearing ordinary clothes except for their sealed glass helmets. Various stars and Saturn are in the background. The back cover lists various Fun and Activity books and Crossword Puzzle books produced by Treasure Books, a division of Grosset & Dunlap. Copyright 1964. 39c in upper right corner; sticker for 34c on front cover. Softback, 64 pages, bound by three staples. Color: BL,WH,GR,YL 1996.22.23 (Book) image
23 1996.22.24 Book "Hobby Dyeing Book: For Young People From Six to Sixty". Contains instructions on several crafts using Rit brand dye. "Wolfe" is written on the front cover. Majority of the cover is red in the background. In the middle of the cover are four females of various ages riding a white horse that says "Hobby Dyeing Book". The young girl is holding two boxes of tints and dyes while the others are holding the reins of the horse. 25c in lower right corner of front cover. 23 pp. Color: RD,WH,PK,GY 1996.22.24 (Book) image
24 1996.22.25 Book "Paper Arts and Crafts for Teachers and Group Leaders". Contains tabbed sections for crafts in five categories: classroom decorations, posters and bulletin boards, dramatics, crafts, and skills and helpful hints. "Joanne Wolfe" is written on the front cover. Front cover has six children (3 boys, 3 girls) doing various activities. Boy, second from left, is reaching for yellow duck, while girl, third from right, is cutting paper. Book lists various activities such as a maypole dance. 50c in lower right corner. Softback, 36 pages, bound by two staples. Color: GR,WH,BL,YL 1996.22.25 (Book) image
25 2001.11.23 Booklet "Christmas Program Builder Number Three." Contains recitations, exercises, readings, dialogues, drills and songs split into age groups designed to help children learn about and celebrate Christmas. Compiled by Grace Ramquist, Haldon Lillenas, and Wendell Lillenas. Copyright 1947. "Julia Rozendaal" written on front inside cover page. Color: BL,RD,WH,BK Julia Rozendaal taught elementary school in rural Jasper County, Belle Plaine (Benton County), Sac City (Sac County), and Cedar Falls (Black Hawk County) for 16 years before becoming a professor emeritus at the University of Northern Iowa. 2001.11.23 (Booklet) image
26 2001.11.25 Booklet "Practical Christmas Helper No. 3." Contains recitations, exercises, dialogs, and songs split into three levels for age groups designed to help school children learn about and celebrate Christmas. Copyright 1941. 32 pp. "Julia Rozendaal." written on front cover. Color: BK,WH Julia Rozendaal taught elementary school in rural Jasper County, Belle Plaine (Benton County), Sac City (Sac County), and Cedar Falls (Black Hawk County) for 16 years before becoming a professor emeritus at the University of Northern Iowa. 2001.11.25 (Booklet) image
27 2001.11.33 Poem Note written on a notecard, titled "Welcome," with "Jean" written on the top. Possibly lyrics or a poem given at the start of a school program. "We're very glad you've come today; each parent and each friend. The best of Christmas wishes to you we now extend. And when our programs over, and you have gone your way, we still wish you joy and gladness every day."
28 2001.11.34 Poem Christmas poem titled "Easily Pleasured" written on a notecard. "Carolyn" is written on the top. "The things I want for Christmas, I hope I get them, too. Because I surely need them, my wants are very few. Some boys and girls are selfish, and also very bold. They ask for more big presents than Santa's sleigh can hold. I'm glad I'm not that nature. I've asked for what I need. A few nice simple presents. I don't believe in greed. I need some picture puzzles, a track, with train of course, a station, lights and signals, and nice red crossing bars. (continued on the back) And then I need an airplane that anyone can fly; a car that I can ride in and please the public eye. A few more things - 'bout twenty. That's all the gifts I need, a few nice single presents. I don't believe in greed."
29 2001.11.35 Booklet "Dolly Has the Flu,'" written by Sarg Henderson, 1937. "Julia Rozendaal" written in red on the cover. Price for booklet was 15 cents. Back cover has advertisements for "Action Songs and Song Novelties." Softback, green covers, bound by two staples, four pages. Color: GR,BK,WH 2001.11.35 (Booklet) image
30 2002.7.160 Card "A Thrift Creed for the Patriotic Child". Printed in red and blue ink on white paper. Written by Laura Clarke Rockwood, For the Home Economic Commitee of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs. Issued by the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Agriculture Extension Department, Ames, IA. Color: BL,RD,WH
31 2008.15.0049 Script Salmon colored paper with black print. The top of the front page reads "Catchy Loose Leaf Play Series" "The Willis N. Bugbee Co., Syracuse N.Y.". The title of the piece is "Jim Jencks Gets a Jolt". The front page also has a list of characters and the beginning of the play. The back page has the end of the play and the backside of the paper has the middle of the play. There is a crease in the center of the paper and there are two holes near the top and bottom of the crease, making four total holes. Color: PK 2008.15.0049 (Script) image
32 2008.15.0053 Script Salmon colored paper with black print. The top of the front page reads "Catchy Loose Leaf Play Series" "The Willis N. Bugbee Co., Syracuse, NY". The title of the piece is "When the Wife's Away". The rest of the front page has a character list and the beginning of the play. The backside of the paper has the middle of the play and the back page has the end of the play. There is a crease in the center of the paper and two holes punched near the top and the bottom. There are four total holes. There are also names hand written near the character list. Color: PK 2008.15.0053 (Script) image
33 2016-27-49a List List of books titled, "Workbook Sales Series." Contains books, price, and quantity. First sheet contains books for pre-first to first grade.  Double accessioned. Also item 2020-FIC-110 2016-27-49a (List) image
34 2016-27-51 Newspaper Current Events from the National School Newspaper Volume XLV, No. 4, week of October 1-5, 1945. Front page story titled, "What Shall We Do With The Atomic Bomb." Van Buren County. 2016-27-51 (Newspaper) image
35 2016-27-78 Report A form titled, "School Health Service Teacher-Nurse Observations, Iowa State Department of Health." Contains sections for student names, immunization history, symptoms, and a place to explain on the backside. Van Buren County. 2016-27-78 (Report) image
36 2016-FIC-195 Book Poll Book School Election for unknown district. Booklet is tan with black text that has information to fill in on the front page. The following information is listed on the front cover: (Special or Regular) Election, Precinct, Ward, Township, County, Iowa, Held, 194. The following pages contains pages with list of voters for the first half of the book and then a Tally List in the back of the book. The booklet has not been completed. 
37 2016-FIC-268 Booklet Booklet titled "The Learning Cycle Plan: Remedial Units in Arithmetic: Unit Five Percentage and Its Applications" by T.L. Torgerson, an associate professor of education at the University of Wisconsin, and M.F. Matthies, an assistant superintendent of schools for Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Published by the E. M. Hale & Company, Milwaukee, 1938. "7 grade" is written on the top right corner of the cover in pencil. Booklet contains practice problems for fractions, decimals, and percentages. It is thirty-two pages with five cycles. 
38 2016-FIC-269 Booklet Booklet titled "Teacher's Manual for the Learning Cycle Diagnostic Tests in Arithmetic" by T.L. Torgerson, an associate professor of education at the University of Wisconsin, and M.F. Matthies, an assistant superintendent of school in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Published by the E. M. Hale & Company, Milwaukee, 1938. There is a stamp on the cover that says, "Order from Phillips School Service Mason City, Iowa Choice Books for Children." There are practice examples with answers in the back. Booklet is 71 pages. 
39 2018-30-284 Booklet Titled "Selections from The Franklin Square Song Collection and a Memorandum Book," published by Harper and Brothers, Franklin Square, New York. It features several songs and hymns intended to help teach lessons of healthy living to school children. Narcotics and stimulants received special attention adapted to "recent legislation relating to temperance instruction in public schools." Stapled, both covers are unattached. The back cover is item 2018-30-286, the rest of the booklet is item 2018.30.284.
40 2018-30-286 Booklet Titled "Selections from The Franklin Square Song Collection and a Memorandum Book," published by Harper and Brothers, Franklin Square, New York. It features several songs and hymns intended to help teach lessons of healthy living to school children. Narcotics and stimulants received special attention adapted to "recent legislation relating to temperance instruction in public schools." Stapled, both covers are unattached. The back cover is item 2018-30-286, the rest of the booklet is item 2018-30-284.
41 2019-8-4 Booklet Booklet for rural school use. "One Hundred Devices for Seat Work" written by A.G. Hall in 1935. This book was printed by the A. Flanagan Company in Chicago. White cover, bound with two staples. "Milred Rusch" is written on the cover.  Mildred Rusch attended Iowa State Teachers college and later taught in Iowa rural schools.
42 2020-9-10 Book "Teaching Science Through Holidays and Seasons" by Matthew F. Vessel and Herbert H. Wong. Published in 1959, 1960 by Fearson Publishers, Inc. Contains activities and lessons based on holidays and the seasons for every month of the school year. 2020-9-10 (Book) image
43 2020-9-11 Book "A Primer for Parents" by Paul McKee published in 1957 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Contains lessons for parents on how to teach their children to read. Half of the book does this by having the parents try to learn a made-up alphabet using shapes so they can better understand their child's struggles.  2020-9-11 (Book) image
44 2020-9-12 Book "Helping Your Child with Reading" by Edward W. Dolch published in 1956 by The Garrard Press in Champaign, Illinois. Contains tips and instructions for parents teaching their children to read.  2020-9-12 (Book) image
45 2020-9-13 Book "Helping Your Child with Arithmetic" by Edward W. Dolch, published in 1957 by The Garrard Press. Softback, blue cover, bound by two staples.  2020-9-13 (Book) image
46 2020-9-14 Book "Let’s Play a Game" - Suggestions for games and independent activities for developing reading skills. Copyright for 1964. White covers, bound with two staples. Features several games that focus on building specific skills like word recognition and reading comprehension.  2020-9-14 (Book) image
47 2020-9-15 Book "Strengthening Fundamental Skills with Instructional Games" by Guy Wagner (Iowa State Teachers College), Mildred Alexander (Fort Dodge Public Schools), and Max Hosier (Malcom Price Lab School), published in 1959. Distributed by J. S. Latta and Son, Cedar Falls, IA. "Mrs. Kirby" and "Carolyn Kemper" are both written inside the front page. White covers, bound with staples.      2020-9-15 (Book) image
48 2020-9-16 Book "For Speech Sake: Simple Speech Activities for Classroom Teachers and Speech Therapists" by Ruth E. Jones, published in 1958 by Fearon Publishers. Softback, red and tan covers, bound by two staples, 66 pages.  2020-9-16 (Book) image
49 2020-FIC-107 Pamplet Uniform County Certificates for the State of Iowa in 1937. This was issued by the Board of Educational Examiners and explains regulations governing the uniform county teachers' certificates.
50 2020-FIC-109 Card A card for students that asks, "Am I ready for school today? Ask the looking glass," with a list of activities to do to ensure good hygiene (i.e. washing hands, shining shoes, keeping a handkerchief, etc.). Published by the Cleanliness Insitute, New York.